Just like what the lyrics of this song say, may all who come behind us find us faithful and may the fire of our devotion light others' way. Make this music a prayer of your heart!
We all have our own desires. Some people desire gold. Others desire wealth and fame. But this instrumental song will create a different desire in your heart, a desire that will create a great hunger in your heart for Jesus.
Let this music increase your love to God. This will help you love Him more than anything, more than worldly wealth or more than life itself.
Does your heart desire Jesus? Does your soul long and yearn for His courts? Do you want to restore your first love to Him? This instrumental is perfect for you!
This instrumental music will give you a great longing to choose Jesus more than anything that this world offers today. For truly, we can never replace Him with any silver or gold, with any wealth and riches.
This heavenly worship instrumental is a perfect way to express our love to Jesus. The reason why we were created by God is to love Him, worship Him and obey Him. We were made out of love. So we will also live with that kind of love.
Have you ever said "I Love You" to Jesus? Have you ever told Him how much you long for Him? Well, this instrumental music will lead you closer to God's heart so that your love and longing for Him may be complete.
The Lord is high above all the earth, the sea and the sky. His name is exalted among all the nations. His glory shines throughout the earth. Let this instrumental song teach you to exalt His glorious name!
Hallelujah to the Lamb that was slain, to the One who was and is to come! This instrumental song will urge you more and more to sing a new song to Jesus for He is worthy of all our worship.
Those who love Jesus will give glory to Him as long as he lives. Let this instrumental music give you that kind of desire to glorify Jesus every single day of your life.
Be filled again and again with the presence of God as you listen to this instrumental music. Surely, your hunger and thirst for God's presence will increase and at the same time be satisfied.